
Honoring Our Ghost Controls Veterans

Honoring Our Ghost Controls Veterans

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On November 11, 1918, World War I ended when an armistice with Germany went into effect. The following year U.S. President Woodrow Wilson celebrated the first Armistice Day with a speech to the nation. In 1954, November 11, or Armistice Day was expanded to celebrate and honor all veterans, not just those who died in WWI. Veterans Day as we know it was born.

Each Veterans Day, we are reminded of the men and women who served and the sacrifices they make. Take a moment to thank a veteran in your life or community and reflect on their contribution to our freedom.

Here, at Ghost Controls, we’d like to pay tribute to our team members who have served. We had a chance to sit down with each of them and hear their stories. We invite you to learn more about these men and how their military service affects their lives today.


How long were you part of the military?

F: 22 years

How old were you?

F: 24 years old in basic training

Why did you pick that service branch, or if you were assigned, how did you feel about

this branch?

F: British Army - Royal Corps of Signals Originally going for infantry or engineers but steered toward comms due to test scores.

What was your job or assignment?

F: Comms operator and training advisor.

How does your experience affect your life today?

F: Made me self-reliant and adaptable and more understanding of different cultures and people.

Are there any memories you want to share from your service?

F: After being involved in a mid-air collision, the C-130 I was in had to divert to Baku in Azerbaijan on the plus side we ended up staying in a 4-star hotel until they got a replacement aircraft to pick us up.


How long were you part of the military?

N: 5 years

How old were you?

N: 17

Why did you pick that service branch, or if you were assigned, how did you feel about

this branch?

N: Army

What was your job or assignment?

N: Combat engineer and became a sergeant this past year

How does your experience affect your life today?

N: The military has made me stronger mentally and the ability to over come obstacles


How long were you part of the military?

J: 4

How old were you?

J: 17 when I went in.

Why did you pick that service branch, or if you were assigned, how did you feel about

this branch?

J: Probably because my dad was in the army

What was your job or assignment?

J: Tank Mechanic

How does your experience affect your life today?

J: I learned to get out of bed and not be a wimp

Are there any memories you want to share from your service?

J: Met my wife, grew up some, even though I was not very disciplined then...I learned how to be. I love my country, my countrymen, my family, God, and I strongly believe in the founding principles of our country. “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.” "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."


How long were you part of the military?

R: 8 years

How old were you?

R: 18

Why did you pick that service branch, or if you were assigned, how did you feel about

this branch?

R: I chose the Army because a lot of my family members served. My Grandfather was a Vietnam Vet and my Uncles served in Desert Storm.

What was your job or assignment?

R: My primary MOS was 88M (Motor Transport Operator)Secondary MOS 92A (Automated

Logistical Specialist) I served two tours in Iraq (O.E.F) "03-04 (O.I.F )"06-07"

How does your experience affect your life today?

R: I use my Army core values in every aspect of my life (Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Integrity, and Personal Courage.

Are there any memories you want to share from your service?

R: The Comradery I was able to build with all of my Battle Buddies.


How long were you part of the military?

R: 6 years

How old were you?

R: 18-24

Why did you pick that service branch, or if you were assigned, how did you feel about

this branch?

R: US Navy- USS Enterprise

What was your job or assignment?

R: Nuclear Power Program

How does your experience affect your life today?

R: The Navy, particularly the Nuclear Power Program, taught me and continues to give me the confidence to solve and convey complex problems quickly and accurately.

Are there any memories you want to share from your service?

R: Through many cruises with the 4 years I was stationed on "The Big E" I was able to visit many countries and most notably a Mediterranean Cruise in 1996.

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