Control Board LEDs
Control Board LEDs
“Power Status” LED Green
- on = transformer power present
- blinking = solar panel power present
- off = no power present / not currently charging
“Battery Condition” LED Yellow
- on = battery good
- blinking = low battery
- off = Unit has been on longer than 1 minute (LED times out) or no battery detected.
“Status” LED Red
- Blinks once = input change detected (exit sensor, wired push button activated, etc..)
- Blinks continuously = blinks along with alarm codes to provide visual feedback. Also, it could mean a potential accessory issue. Disconnect accessories connected to the “Hardwired Inputs” terminal and test system.
“Set Autoclose” LED Green
- on = The autoclose is turned on
- off = The autoclose is turned off
- blinking =The autoclose is in programming mode or the Partymode has been activated.
“Learn XMTR”
- on = programming mode
- off = idle
- blinking = currently receiving a transmission